Friday 29 May 2015

I'm back!

Hey guys! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so ...... must I go on? Sorry that I basically dropped off the face of the blogger planet without any info as to why or even a single update for months... Now, cue my excuses... I have been extremely busy with school, sports, work and everything else. Now that school is slowing down; without including the hecticness that it will be for the next month with final assignments and exams... I am going to begin blogging again! For the past few months I've been thinking about what I could do a blog post on and how and when I can fit blogging back into my schedule but I've had little time and no ideas! Then the other night it hit me. I can make a key chain! As I made this key chain a whole slew of ideas came to me and now I think I can finally say that I am making a comeback to the 'blogger planet' and I couldn't be more excited! As I said, I made a key chain (it sounds lame but it's pretty snazzy if I do say so myself) and I will be posting a tutorial with how to do that this Saturday which will be followed by another (surprise) post on Wednesday so stay tuned!!!!

If you read this thank you so much as it really means a lot, see you Saturday!

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