Friday 29 May 2015

I'm back!

Hey guys! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so ...... must I go on? Sorry that I basically dropped off the face of the blogger planet without any info as to why or even a single update for months... Now, cue my excuses... I have been extremely busy with school, sports, work and everything else. Now that school is slowing down; without including the hecticness that it will be for the next month with final assignments and exams... I am going to begin blogging again! For the past few months I've been thinking about what I could do a blog post on and how and when I can fit blogging back into my schedule but I've had little time and no ideas! Then the other night it hit me. I can make a key chain! As I made this key chain a whole slew of ideas came to me and now I think I can finally say that I am making a comeback to the 'blogger planet' and I couldn't be more excited! As I said, I made a key chain (it sounds lame but it's pretty snazzy if I do say so myself) and I will be posting a tutorial with how to do that this Saturday which will be followed by another (surprise) post on Wednesday so stay tuned!!!!

If you read this thank you so much as it really means a lot, see you Saturday!

Wednesday 10 September 2014

How to Pack a Waste-Free Lunch

Hey guys! So today I didn't have any creative ideas for a DIY post.. and I can't stand seeing people with packed lunches with plastic sandwich bags, saran wrap, disposable water bottles, etc, etc... so I thought why not give you guys some tips on how to avoid packing a wasteful lunch!

  1. Use containers! I use containers for everything in my lunch. Sure it takes up a lot of room.. but it's better than using lots of plastic bags. I use containers for salads, salad dressing, snacks, everything. It helps if you buy plastic containers of different sizes and styles. For example I have a container with a separate compartment inside of it for dip so if you bring veggies and dip you can just use one container.
  2. Bring a reusable water bottle full of whatever you want to drink for the day. This is great because you have a drink for the whole day not just for your lunch. Bring two reusable water bottles if you drink a lot and don't like to drink from the water fountains. You can also bring a thermos or travel mug if you want to have coffee or tea to go in the morning.
  3. Bring your own cutlery from home instead of using disposable cutlery.
  4. Get a lunch bag. If you get a large enough lunch bag then you don't have to worry about taking up too much space with your containers and you can also just throw cutlery into the bag without worrying about grabbing another container because you know that the bag is clean.
  5. Eat less packaged food - it's better for you and the environment. For example; instead of bringing packaged cheese for a snack cut up some cheese and put it in a container. Fruit and veggies are also great snacks to bring because they're easy to pack, quick to eat and really good for you!
That's all that I have for you guys this week so hopefully you enjoyed it and it helped you out. I realize that this wasn't exactly an exciting post; but reducing waste and working to create a healthier planet is something that I am very passionate about so I hope that you didn't mind this slight detour from my regular style of posts. 

You can follow me on twitter @04_emilyy and it would also be awesome if you could share my blog on any social media that you use! :-) See you next week!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

DIY: Rad Muscle Shirt

Hey guys! So today I am going to show you how to turn an old t-shirt into a muscle shirt with a beanie that says 'Rad' on it! Let's get started :-)

  • Old Shirt
  • Fabric Scissors
  • Cardboard
  • Fabric Paint (black and white)
  • Paint Brushes
  • Paper Clips
  • Permanent Marker
Step 1:
Begin by cutting the collar off of your shirt by following the seam. Be careful because the seam is usually lower in the front than the back and you want that to stay the same. You will have to cut the front and the back seam of separately; like so.

Step 2:
The next thing that you will do is cut the sleeves off of your shirt. Cut it roughly 1-2 inches from the seam and then 1-2 inches below the seam. After you have the first sleeve cut off; fold the shirt over and use the first cut sleeve as a guide for the second so that they are the same size. 

Step 3:
In this step you will be creating the outline of your beanie. I did this by drawing it on paper, cutting it out and then tracing it onto the shirt with a permanent marker. Then I began to draw the words 'Rad' in a way that looks like the words are melting. I did this by starting the letters normal and then shaking the marker to create the melting effect.

Step 4:
The next step is to paint the shirt. Begin by filling the shirt in with black fabric paint; leaving the inside of 'Rad' without any paint. Once the black paint has dried you can fill that in using a fine paint brush with white. After you have finished painting you're done! :-)

I hope you guys liked this post!! It would be awesome if you could share it on any social media that you use :-) And leave comments giving me suggestions for future posts or anything really!

Follow me on Twitter: @04_emilyy
Check out the YouTube videos my friend and I make:

Saturday 30 August 2014

Back to School Series: Organization TIps

Hey guys! Sorry this is late, I haven't been home much lately because I've been really busy and I just realized that the scheduled post didn't work! So here's the last back to school series post!!!!

So organization is a key part of success in school... and today I'm going to give you some tips on how to stay organized! Let's get started!

1. Having a Clean Locker
Having a clean locker really helps to keep you organized. Having a portable shelf in the bottom of your locker helps because it gives you more space to keep things. Also having a magnetic whiteboard/bulletin board (half and half) helps because you can write down any homework and assignments that you have as well as pin up any notes that you need to remember onto the bulletin board.

2. Keeping Separate Binders for Each Class
This also really helps - although it's a bit of an inconvenience carrying around it does help when you're doing homework and studying for tests and exams. It also helps so that you don't lose notes or assignments.

3. Keep a Schedule
Keeping a schedule even if it's very flexible helps to keep you on track with handing in assignments on time and remembering due dates. This also helps a lot if you play sports or have other extracurricular activities that take up a lot of your time.

Well that's it guys! I hope you enjoyed the last post in the back to school series. Sorry that it was late but I hope that you enjoyed it and that it will help you! Don't forget to follow me on twitter @04_emilyy and share my blog on any social media that you use please :-)=

Wednesday 27 August 2014

5 Healthy Snacks

Hey guys! So today I decided that I would share 5 super easy snacks with you guys to go with the 21 days of no junk food challenge that I posted last week.

1. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a great snack. All you have to do is cut it in half and sprinkle some sugar on the top. You will just use your spoon to scoop the fruit out of the 'grapefruit bowl'. You can eat one half or the whole thing depending on how hungry you are.

2. Veggies and Dip
Veggies and dip are such an easy, healthy and tasty snack. Cut up any of your favourite veggies and add some dip if you would like. My favourite is cutting up cucumber and carrots into sticks and a small drop of ranch dressing.

3. Apple and Peanut Butter
If you put some peanut butter in a bowl and heat it up in the microwave for 35 seconds it is great to drizzle over apple slices. It looks good, tastes good and it's also a fairly filling snack.

4. Green Smoothie
There are tons of different types of green smoothies that you can make but this is one of my favourites. You add some green tea, 2 handfuls of spinach, 1 banana and a small spoonful of peanut butter to the blender. Mix this up and then your smoothie is done! I recommend tasting it and then seeing if you need to add anything else before you pour it into a glass.

5. Yogurt Parfait
This is another good snack - all that you do is take a glass and make layers of yogurt and granola and then tops it off with some fruit and/or berries and voila; a super healthy snack or even breakfast!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and this gave you some good ideas for healthy snacks! Don't forget to check back Friday for my last post in the back to school series! It would also be awesome if you could share my blog on any social media that you use. You can follow me on twitter as well if you would like! @04_emilyy

Friday 22 August 2014

Back to School Series: Morning Tips

Hey guys! Today I decided that I would do a post that would probably be very useful... tips on how to get out of bed once your alarm goes off.

How to wake up on time
To be able to easily wake up in the morning you need to start off with a good night sleep. You'll want to get as much sleep as you can; ideally around eight hours of sleep. To have a good sleep it's always good to relax for at least half an hour before you fall asleep. A good way to relax before you go to sleep is to lie in bed with a glass of milk or some decaffenated tea while reading a book.

To wake up early you're more than likely going to have an alarm set. A good idea if you use your phone/iPod as an alarm clock is to set the alarm as a song that you like and won't mind getting woken up by. I also always set a positive message for the alarm that makes me want to start my day.

If you're one of those people that hits the snooze butto repeatedly (me) then you'll want to follow these steps:

  • Leave your alarm clock out of reach so you have to get out of bed. 
  • Stretch once you stand up and force yourself to smile. It sounds dumb but it will make you feel a bit more prepared to face the day. 
  • Make your bed so that you won't be tempted to crawl back in. 
  • Wash your face with cold water and drink a glass of cold water. 
  • If you're having a really hard time getting out of bed try rubbing your cheeks and maybe even giving them a few light taps to get the blood flowing. 
Hopefully this will help you guys get up bright and early for school! Don't forget to come back Wednesday for more DIY posts. :-)

Wednesday 20 August 2014

21 Days of NO Junk Food Challenge

Hey guys! Unfortunately I don't have a DIY post for you this week, I have a shirt made that is ready to be put into a blog post buuut.. it's for a friends birthday present and I don't want her to see the blog post before I get a chance to give her the shirt. I was expecting to have given it to her before Wednesday but I didn't get a chance so I was left scrambling - then I thought, why not do a post on the 21 days of no junk food challenge?!

The rules of the 21 days of no junk food challenge are simple. You can't eat any of the foods listed in the above picture for 21 days. This is a great way to begin eating healthy. In the beginning of this challenge it is really hard not to eat any of these foods and it will take a lot of will power. But trust me, it gets easier! Near the end of the 21 days you will rarely crave junk food. So this is a great way to begin cutting junk food out of your diet or limiting your junk food intake.

Some people reading this may not have any interest in doing this challenge. Although some people may want to try it out to eat healthier, lose weight or maybe even just to challenge themselves. This is a great way to work on your fitness because you will (most likely) be getting more nutrients from your food than you regularly do - causing you to experience and increased amount of energy to fuel your workouts.

I have done this challenge once before and I am going to do it again starting today so if anyone wants to start it with me feel free to leave a comment letting me know! You can also follow me on twitter and talk to me there about your experiences with this challenge. :-) I answer all of my dm's and @ messages on there, so feel free to hit me up about anything!

I'm sorry that today's post wasn't too great, but hopefully it will inspire you to lead a healthier life and begin to challenge yourself and eat clean daily. :-) Don't forget to come back Friday for the third post in my 'Back to School Series'!!!

P.S. I made a new YouTube video with my friend and you can check it out here :-). See ya Friday!!!