Wednesday 30 April 2014

DIY: 5 Seconds of Summer Shirt

Hey guys! So today I am going to show you how to make your own 5sos (5 seconds of summer) band tee! If you haven't heard of them... Well go listen to them because I promise that you won't regret it! Just because I am creating a tutorial to make your own band tee or merch, that doesn't mean that I don't think you should go buy some anyways to support them! You can find their merch here :-). You can also go to their youtube to listen to their music! Anyways, enough about the band. Let's start the shirt!


  • Old shirt
  • Scissors
  • Fabric paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Cardboard
  • Paper clips
  • Sharpie
  • Ruler
To begin, cut the sleeves off so that it is a tank top. Cut the first sleeve as thick (on the shoulders) as you want and as deep (on the sides) as you want. I just eyeballed this, but after you cut the first sleeve; fold it over to use as an outline for the other sleeve.
Step 2: 
Take a ruler and approximately find the middle of the shirt. Once you found the middle, mark it with your sharpie. 
Next measure how high you want the middle of the shirt to come up. After that is done, draw a diagonal line from that point down to the edge on each side of the shirt. Then follow this line with your scissors; cutting the front and back of the shirt.
This is before I painted it; it is only outline of the logo.
This is before I painted it; it is only the outline.

Step 1:
We're going to begin with cutting the t-shirt. It's very similar to my tie dye tank top two weeks ago. Except the hem of  the shirt will come up in the middle. 

Next we are going to cut the collar. This is very simple since the collar was left fairly high. Cut the collar that is sewn onto the shirt off, following the stitching. Next cut the front of the collar down on both side about 2-3 inches; letting the sides meet in the middle in a shape that resembles a triangle. Just leave the back of the collar as it is. 

Now we are going to cut the hem of the shirt. I completely forgot to take pictures for this part, so you're going to have to bear with me trying to explain how to do it through typing. To begin, cut the hem that is already sewn onto the shirt off and cut it to the desired length (keeping in mind that the shirt will come up in the middle). I cut mine up higher than the shirt was originally; because mine was extremely long on me.

Step 3:

This is the fun part! Now you get to put the logo onto your shirt.  I created the circle on paper so that I could trace it onto the shirt. I also practice drawing the logo itself on a scrap piece of paper before I drew on the shirt. Once I had the circle traced onto my shirt and practiced drawing the logo enough I drew the logo onto the shirt freehand with a sharpie.

Then I flipped the shirt over and drew "Hemmo 1996" on the back sort of like a jersey. This was also freehand with a sharpie.

Step 4:

Once you have the outline of your logo and Hemmo 1996 on your shirt, it's time to begin painting! Slide a piece of cardboard into the middle of your shirt and secure it with paper clips so that your shirt stays still while you're painting.

Then pour some black fabric paint (or whatever colour you prefer) onto some cardboard. Take a small paint brush and trace the words so that it will be easier to paint without making a mess. Once you did that you can use a bigger paint brush or the same one you used to trace the words and finish filling everything in.

This is the finished product:

Keep in mind that by posting this I am not encouraging you to not support 5 seconds of summer by buying their merch. This is just a fun project that you can do to create a shirt of your own.

I hope you enjoyed this post! :-) Don't forget to go and check out their youtube channel!!! :-) 

P.S. There is a poll that will be up until next Wednesday and if you vote you have a say in what kind of posts I make in the future! :-)

Wednesday 23 April 2014

DIY: cheap, easy at home spa night

Hey guys! So today I am going to show you how to treat yourself to a cheap and easy spa night at home. Do you ever have a long, stressful week and need to unwind on Sunday night? Well what better way to end a that week and start the new one off than by having a spa night at home? I'm going to show you an amazing chemical free moisturizing bath, face mask and lip scrub that you can make on your own with things found in your kitchen! Ready to get started?! I know I am!!

What you need:

  • Coconut oil
  • Baking soda
  • A lemon or lemon juice
  • Honey
  • Brown Sugar
  • A Banana

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda Bath
Moisturizes and clears away dirt/dead skin cells.


  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
While your tub is being filled add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1/2 a cup of baking soda. Your coconut oil can be solid or liquid, either works fine.

You can also have a bath with only the 1 tablespoon of coconut oil or only the 1/2 cup of baking soda. I just enjoy the combination of the two.

The benefits:
If you're wondering why on earth you would want to have a bath with coconut oil and baking soda here are your answers. Coconut oil is amazing for your skin. It is extremely hydrating; it naturally clears away dirt and dead skin cells and it also has antibacterial properties that kill harmful bacteria! It smells really good as well. This is probably my favourite part about the coconut oil because your skin smells nice once you get out of the bath but you didn't have to soak in any chemicals to get the nice coconuty smell. Ok... so now you know why you would want to have a bath with coconut oil; but why baking soda? Baking soda relieves irritated or itchy skin while moisturizing at the same time; it also has anti bacterial properties which is an added bonus.

Now just light some candles, get a good book and enjoy your bath. Maybe even get some ice water and a snack to make it even more enjoyable. :-)

Face Mask
Tightens, brightens and moisturizes your face. 
I found this face mask here.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
Take one ripe banana and mash it up in a bowl. After you have your banana mashed add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Once all of the ingredients are in the bowl mix them together thoroughly until you have a paste.

After you have a paste, apply the mixture to your face. You will want to have washed your face prior to applying the mask. Applying it after a bath or shower is ideal because your pores will be open and your skin is clean. You can apply it with an old makeup brush or your hands if you prefer. Just make sure that you apply it evenly and all over your face. Once it is on your face, leave it on for fifteen minutes and then wash it off using a warm facecloth.

The benefits:
The honey has skin lightening properties and it also kills bacteria, which then prevents acne. Lemon juice lightens the skin and can even out and lighten dark spots and acne blemishes. The banana fades dark spots and blemishes while smoothing out rough skin. The banana also moisturizes your skin and enhances the skin's UV protection. For a more thorough list of the benefits look at this website.

Lip Exfoliating Scrub
Moisturizes skin while clearing away dead skin cells.


  • Coconut Oil
  • Honey
  • Brown Sugar
Add some coconut oil and some honey to a bowl. I roughly added one small spoonful of each. Thoroughly mix together the coconut oil and honey.

Next add the brown sugar. I'm not sure how much I added because I just eyeballed it. 

Add some brown sugar and mix it in; then feel the mixture. You want to add enough so that it has a semi-rough texture but you don't want it to be so rough that it hurts your lips. I left mine fairly smooth because I wanted it to be more moisturizing than exfoliating. 

That's all! I hope you guys enjoyed this post and have a nice relaxing evening to end a busy week or even just to start the next week off nicely. Leave a comment if you have any suggestions for a future post. :-)

Wednesday 16 April 2014

DIY: front tie, tie-dyed tank top

Hey guys! So today I'm going to show you how to upcycle an old t-shirt into a cool front tie, tie-dyed tank top! It's also a good idea to wear an old shirt while doing this so that you don't ruin a good one with dye.

  • Old t-shirt
  • Fabric scissors
  • Dye
  • Rubber bands
  • Garbage bags
  • disposable gloves
Step 1:
Decide how high you want your shirt to be on your waist and mark this with a sharpie.Once you have this marked, approximately find the middle of the shirt. Now you will leave about 4 inches on either side of the middle and mark this now 8 inch gap on both sides with a sharpie.

Cut the front and back of the shirt on side until you reach the line that marks the gap and repeat this on the other side. When you get to the line continue cutting straight across on the back but do not cut the front. Once you have the back cut, draw lines on the fabric hanging down on the front of the shirt so that it looks like a triangle.

Once you have the triangle cut, cut the hem off of the bottom if you haven't already. Now cut a strip up the middle and round the ends so that you have two pieces that can be tied together.

Step 2:
Cut the sleeves off of the t-shirt to your desired depth and thickness. Then fold the shirt so that you can use the sleeve you already cut as a guide for the second sleeve.

 I cut my sleeves fairly deep because I want to have low sides so that I can wear a bandeau with this.

Next cut the collar however you would like. I left mine high and didn't cut it much deeper than the original collar because I like the high collared style for tank tops.

Step 3:
This is the fun part! Now you get to tie-dye the shirt. These steps show how to do the spiral pattern but you could google other patterns if you don't want to do the spiral.

You may need to soak your shirt in soda ash depending on the type of dye you use. I had to soak mine and I let it sit in the soda ash for twenty minutes. After it has finished soaking, cover the area where you will be dyeing the shirt with a garbage bag. Don't forget to put on your disposable gloves!

Pinch the shirt in the middle or wherever you want the center of your spiral to be. 

Now turn the piece that you pinched clockwise while keeping it tight. It should end up looking like this:

Now secure this ball with rubber bands. You can use however many you want; I used three. 

After you have the ball secured with rubber bands, begin tie dyeing the shirt. Decide how you want to dye it (alternating colours, etc) and begin to dye each section. Make sure that you push the dye into each piece fairly hard so that you won't be left with too much white. 

(I know the lid is on, it's too hard to actually dye it and take pictures at the same time lol).
After the top of the ball is done, flip it over and repeat on the side that was sitting on the garbage bag. Remember your pattern and make sure you're dyeing it the same colour on this side.

Step 4:
After you finished dyeing both sides of your ball, cut the rubber bands and leave the shirt to set. I just put mine in a plastic bag and left it for about five hours. After the dye has had a fair amount of time to set rinse it out and then wash it. After you have washed the shirt rinse it once more. The water coming off of the shirt should be close to clear now. You may want to wash this separate from other clothes in the washing machine for the first few washes so that you don't ruin other clothes. 

That's it! Now you're done and you have a super cute new tank top for summer time! :-)

Tuesday 8 April 2014

DIY: easy beanie

Hey guys! Today I'm going to show you how to upcycle an old sweater and turn it into a beanie. I saw this tutorial on youtube ( and I loved the finished project; so I thought what better way to re-use my old sweaters than to turn them into beanies?! (The only difference between the video and this post is that I sewed my beanie and on the video they used a glue gun).

  • Scissors
  • Old sweater 
  • Sewing needle and thread (or glue gun)
Step 1:
Lay your sweater out flat. Now cut out the spot where your back goes. Once you have that piece cut, wrap it around your head and cut any excess fabric so that it fits your head comfortably.

Step 2:
Fold the piece that now fits your head into three sections to create a tube.

Now cut the top in a circular pattern so that the tube now resembles a hat.

Step 3:
Turn the hat inside out (1) and sew the side together (2). Now sew two top pieces that are closest to each other together (3). Repeat the previous step with the two other sides. This will leave you with three sewn sides that resemble a triangle (4). 

Step 4:
Flip the hat so it's not longer inside out, and voila! You now have a new beanie!!!

I hope everyone enjoyed this post! Leave a comment if you have any suggestions for upcoming posts. :)

Tuesday 1 April 2014

DIY: easy upcycled jean shorts!

Hey guys! Today I'm going to show you how to upcycle and old pair of jean shorts and turn them into a completely different pair! You can do this with regular jeans as well if you like by following the same steps.
Note: The jeans I bleached were black so they turned red. Blue jeans will all usually turn white.

I'm probably going to fix the back, but I couldn't tell the colour was like that while it was still wet. 

  • Old pair of jeans
  • Scissors or exacto knife
  • Cardboard
  • Bucket
  • Bleach
  • Laundry detergent 
  • Disposable gloves
Step 1:
Lay your shorts out flat with a piece of cardboard between one of the legs and use your scissors or exacto knife to cut a straight line on the leg to begin with the distressed look. I added two cuts to each leg, but you can do however many you like or none if you prefer. Move the cardboard to the other side and add more cuts. I added two cuts there as well and had them in the same spot. Be careful to not cut the pocket.

Flip your jeans over and add small cuts to the back pocket.

Step 2:
Add bleach into a bucket and dilute it with a bit of water (any temperature is fine). I did my jeans one side at a time, back in the bleach first and then front because I didn't want to waste bleach doing them at the same time and because I wanted all of the black bleached on the front but only some in the back. Let the jeans soak for 2-3 minutes or until the colour is really starting to show and then do the other side. Keep bleaching until you are satisfied it.

Left is when you first put jeans in bleach and right is when the colour begins to be bleached out.
Step 3:
Rinse your jeans with water. After a lot of the colour has came out dump the water that you used to rinse your jeans and then fill up the bucket or a laundry tub with water and some laundry detergent. Wash the jeans and then rinse all of the soap out. Let these jeans dry and then you're all done! You may want to wash these separate from other clothes in the washing machine for the first couple of washes just in case there is any bleach left and you don't want to get it onto other clothes.

Hopefully you enjoyed this super easy diy! Comment if you have any requests :)