Wednesday 18 June 2014

How To: Have a Good Workout

Hey guys! Today I'm going to tell you how I avoid those days of coming home from the gym and feeling as if you've accomplished absolutely nothing.

I'm sorry I haven't posted any DIY's for a few weeks but trust me. They're coming! I've been really busy lately so unfortunately I haven't had time to do anything very crafty. But hopefully this post will help some people start to enjoy working out. Let's get started! :)

So I know getting motivated to go for a workout is half the battle. So I'll tell you some tricks that I use on days that I'm feeling particularly unmotivated.

Make a really good pre-workout snack! If I make myself a snack that has lots of protein like celery with peanut butter or some almonds I find that it makes me more motivated. Since I just ate something full of protein to fuel my workout I can't use the "I'm too tired" or "I don't have enough energy" excuse.

Make a new playlist! Making a new workout playlist full of up-beat songs always gets me excited to go and workout. Add any type of music you want. As long as it  gets you motivated to go and listen to it for at least an hour; it did it's job!

Put you workout clothes on! On days that I'm feeling extremely unmotivated as soon as I get the idea of going to the gym in my head I go and put on my workout clothes before my brain has a chance to figure out what's happening. I know this sounds silly but it really works. If you're already dressed you really can't make up any more excuses to stay at home.

Benefits of working out! :)
Once you've made your way down to the gym having a pre-planned workout is crucial in coming home feeling accomplished. But don't worry, the plans can be flexible! My plans are basically just a rough outline for me to follow when I get to the gym.

How to Plan! First I decide what part of my body I want to work that day i.e. is it a leg day, ab day, arm day, etc. Once you have that decided choose some workouts that are challenging and enjoyable.

If you don't know any exercises you want to do google some! When I plan the exercises that I will be doing I usually have an amount that I have to do i.e. 4 sets of 25 reps. But I allow myself to add more. Choose an amount of reps that will give you a good workout but not so many that you hurt yourself. Don't forget to throw in some cardio either. I find a great way to get in cardio is by either running for a half hour before my workout or after. I've heard many people say they like to run after they've  finished working out; but I prefer to use running as a warm-up and do it before.

Don't forget to stretch before and after you workout. If you don't; you'll probably regret it the next day. And that's it! Easy, huh?

I hope some people found this post helpful! :) If you can share my blog on any social media that you use that would be amazing! And don't forget to comment if you have any suggestions for future posts - they don't have to be DIY's. As you can see, I post about basically anything. :)

P.S. I'm hoping to have a really cool upcycled shorts post next week so stay tuned ;)

*All of the pictures on today's post are from google*

By the way guys, my friend and I made a YouTube channel that we're going to post videos on every Sunday. Here's our introduction video if you want to watch it!!! :)

Wednesday 11 June 2014

How to: Have the Best Summer Ever!

Hey guys! So I decided that since summer is fast approaching (well it's already here..) why not do a summer bucket list!? I'm going to show you my summer bucket list and hopefully you guys will be inspired to use this or to create your own! Let's do this!!!

1. Step out of my comfort zone!

2. Put blankets and pillows in a truck bed and sleep in it. (I know this is all over the internet but seriously - how cool would it be?!)

3. Start a YouTube channel with my friend.

4. Upload awesome prank videos like pegging, trolleying and public disturbances.

6. Do public interviews and upload it to YouTube

5. Go for a midnight swim with my friends

6. Go for a swim at sunset

7. Do something adventurous! Go zip lining, bungee jumping, skydiving. Something crazy!

8. Have a spontaneous road trip with my friends

9. Sleep under the stars

10. Meet new people

11. Go to a concert

12. Go on a 'penny date'

13. Continue updating my blog

14. Stay up all night

15. Have a sleepover on the beach

16. Make the most of my free time

17. Save money for future adventures

18. Exercise regularly

19. Learn a new language

20. Help someone in need

21. Inspire someone 

22. Have lots of bonfires

23. Have water gun/ water balloon wars

24. Learn how to water ski

25. Take up photography again

26. Smile lots; laugh often

27. Make lots of new DIY's

28. Make this a summer to remember!

Well guys; that's it for this week. I know this post was different from my normal posts but I'm really busy this week and figured that a summer bucket list would awesome since I was already creating one. I really hope you enjoyed this and I hope that it inspires you to get out of your comfort zone; off your but and into the world to do something crazy!!! Who cares if people judge you. You have one life and you need to live it. So go out, have fun and live it up. (But still be smart and don't get yourself into trouble) haha.

If you liked this post please share it on any social media you use as it would be wonderful if more people found my blog :-). Don't forget to comment if you have any suggestions for future posts!

I'm gonna sign off with a quote today since it's one of my absolute favourites (it's even hanging in my bedroom) and it completely suits this week's topic.

"Peace out, enjoy life and live the adventure." - Louis Cole. (This is his youtube channel)

Wednesday 4 June 2014

DIY: Knotted Fringe Tank Top

Hey guys! So today I'm going to show you how to make a tank top with knotted fringe (I guess that's what we'll call it) at the waist. This shirt took about 20-30 minutes but it's totally worth it! So let's get started :-)

  • Chalk
  • Old Shirt
  • Fabric Scissors
Step 1:
To being you will put the shirt on and mark where your waist is using chalk. I drew this line all around my body so that I could use it when cutting the fringe. After you have that line marked cut off the collar of the shirt following the seam.

Step 2:
Now we're going to cut the fringe. To do this you can mark horizontal lines about 1/4 - 1/2 an inch down. These will be where you cut to create the fringe.

Once the lines are marked just cut upwards. You could do the front and back at the same time or do them separately. I did mine separately and once I had the front done I flipped the fringe up (onto the stomach area of the shirt) so that it wouldn't get in the way while I cut the back fringe.

Step 3:
This is where things get a little tricky; so please bear with me.

Begin with your shirt laying flat with the back fringes flipped up so that they are out of the way. Pick up the fringe closest to the edge of the shirt (fringe 1) and then take the fringe beside it (fringe 2) it and tie fringe 2 over and under fringe 1. (So cross fringe 2 over top of fringe one and then tie the knot under). Next pick up piece that is closest to fringe 2 on the opposite side and tie it over and under the fringe 1 and 2 combination. Continue tying each fringe over and under across the whole shirt . Once the front is done flip the shirt over and repeat the same steps on the back. Once you have finished the knots it should look like this:

Sorry I had to use my phone so the quality is terrible :-(

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! I have another project that I've been working on and I'm pretty excited for it. Hopefully it looks as good finished as it does in my head. If you enjoyed this post it would be great if you could share it with your friends on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media that you use! Don't forget to comment if you have any suggestions for future posts and I will see you next Wednesday!!! :-)