Wednesday 30 July 2014

DIY: Tribal Print Shorts

Hey guys! So as I'm sure you all know, you can literally find tribal print clothing anywhere. So I decided that I would revamp a pair of old shorts that I never wear and turn them into a super cute pair of tribal print shorts! Let's get started :-)


  • Bleach (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Permanent Marker
  • Fabric or Acrylic Paint
Step 1:
If you have chosen to bleach your shorts, read this; if not skip to step two. When I was bleaching my shorts I wanted to do an ombre type of bleach but ran out of bleach before I had a chance to begin that. So if you just want to simply bleach the whole short like I did submerge the shorts in some diluted bleach for about 10 minutes. If you want to do an ombre bleached short, submerge the shorts in diluted bleach for about 5 minutes and then take them out, leaving only the bottom of the shorts in for (roughly) another 5 minutes. Now rinse and wash the shorts using laundry detergent. Once your shorts have dried, you can move onto step two.

Step 2:
Using your scissors put two horizontal cuts on the side opposite to the one that you will be putting the tribal print design on.

Step 3:
Begin putting the outline of the tribal print design onto your shorts using a permanent marker. Be careful when doing this because you don't want to mess up and end up with permanent marker in places that you don't want it to be (speaking from experience here haha).

Step 4:
This part takes lots of time and patience. Now you have to fill in the outline you created with paint. I recommend using a fairly thin brush so that it is easier to paint inside the lines. Really the only advice that I can give you about this part is to not get frustrated and take your time. This is what my shorts looked like once I finished painting them. Unfortunately I had some permanent marker still showing once I was done, so I am going to be trying to get that out! 

That's it! I hope you guys enjoyed this post and if you could it would be great if you could share my blog on any social media that you use as it would help me out a lot, thanks! :-)

Monday 28 July 2014

Vegetarian Lunch Ideas

Hey guys! So today I decided that I would share with you some of my favourite vegetarian lunches. Lots of which can easily be a vegan lunch for any vegans reading :-)

Ok so I love, love, loooveee vegetable sandwiches and here are some of my favourites.

Tomato and Cucumber Sandwich:
This is super simple and really good. All that you do is put some butter on bread with some lettuce or spinach, tomato and cucumber and a piece of cheese. And this can easily be a vegan sandwich without the butter and cheese; or you could use soy cheese if you would like!

Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich:
So simple, so obvious and so good. I love having a peanut butter and jam sandwich every once in a while but they are especially good if I am in a rush in the morning and don't have time to make anything fancy.

Tomato and Cheese Sandwich:
This is another really easy sandwich all you have to do is put a slice of tomato and cheese onto some buttered bread and, bam! There's your sandwich.

Garden Salad:
This is so good and so simple; you can literally make a garden salad with any veggies that you have in your fridge. I love to use a mixture of spinach and lettuce with cucumbers, carrots and peppers. And if you want to add some protein you can top it off with some boiled eggs or nuts like almonds or cashews.

Pasta Salad:
I usually just use spiral noodles and top them off with some carrots, peppers and salad dressing.

So there are some super easy to make vegetarian lunches, I hope you enjoyed this post! And it would be awesome if you could share it on any social media that you use, thanks! :-)

DIY: Frozen Yogurt Treats

Hey guys! So since I didn't post last week (cringe) I decided that I would do two posts this week! One today and one on Wednesday. I wasn't sure what to do my first post of the week on and then while I was making some frozen yogurt treats I realized that would be a great idea for a post! So I'm going to be showing you how to make frozen yogurt dots and frozen yogurt bark. Let's get started! :-)

I used a 650g container of yogurt and that was enough to make both of these!

Frozen Yogurt Dots

  • Yogurt
  • Plastic Bag 
  • Cookie Sheet
Sorry I didn't take any pictures of the process of making these because I didn't even think of making it into a blog post until they were already made.. but luckily it's very easy to explain!

Step 1:
Take your plastic bag (your going to need to use a sandwich bag) and make a small diagonal cut on one of the corners. You are going to use this bag like a baker would to ice a cake. Then fill the bag with 2-3 spoonfuls of yogurt. I used strawberry banana yogurt and let me tell you; it is delicious.

Step 2:
Begin putting drops of yogurt onto the cookie sheet simply by squeezing the bag. Once the cookie sheet is full of yogurt dots put the cookie sheet into the freezer and leave it there for as long as you like. My yogurt dots were frozen after a half hour but you can leave them in there for as long as you like. :-) This is what they look like once they come out of the freezer.

Finished Product

Frozen Yogurt Bark

  • Yogurt
  • Almonds
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Parchment Paper
  • Cake Pan
Step 1:
Line your pan with parchment paper so that it will be easy for you to cut the bark and remove it once it is frozen without wrecking your pan.

Step 2:
 Pour some yogurt onto the bottom of the pan and spread it evenly across. Only put enough yogurt down to cover the parchment paper. Next add some diced strawberries and grapes to the yogurt as well as whole almonds. Add enough so that it is spread somewhat evenly across the yogurt like this:

Then add some more yogurt to the top to cover all of the fruit and almonds. Add more fruit and almonds and then one more layer of yogurt. It should now look like this:

Step 3:
Put this in the freezer for about an hour and a half if you want it to be frozen very well. You can also leave it in the freezer for longer if you prefer. Then cut it however big you would like and enjoy!!! :-)

I hope you guys enjoy this post and the yummy yogurt treats. These are really great for days that you have a sweet tooth but don't want to eat junk food since they are so sweet but they're also great for you! I really like to have these as a post-workout snack as well because it helps cool you down but you also get some protein! So stay tuned for a post coming to you Wednesday and if you could share this on any social media that you use that would be great, thanks! :-)

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Favourites: Bands and YouTubers

Hey guys! I'm so, so, so sorry that I haven't posted in weeks. I've been really busy. But I promise that I will try my hardest to post every week from now on. Anyway, I figured that today I would just talk about some of my favourite YouTubers and bands. Maybe we'll have some of the same, or maybe this will give you some people to check out! :-)


5 Seconds of Summer

  • 5 Seconds of Summer. Ok, how can you not love them?! They're soo cute, funny and extremely talented. I mean is it even possible to dislike this band?! Don't Stop - Music Video
  • All Time Low. They're music is so, so, soooo good! And I love their personalities; they would be so awesome to see live. A Love Like War - Music Video
  • Marianas Trench. I have loved them since their very first album, they're so talented and just awesome dudes. I saw them live last year and the concert was mind blowingly awesome. Desperate Measures - Music Video
  • The Vamps. So I've just recently started listening to them and wow. They're very talented, and their songs are so relatable. Can We Dance - Music Video
  • The Who. Ok so they're an old band but they're just so good! I've been listening to them since I was just a little kid and I've always loved them. Baba O'Riley
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival. Another old band and again, I've been listening to them for a long time. Bad Moon Rising
  • Blink-182. All of their music is honestly just so good it's crazy. First Date - Music Video
  • Bowling For Soup. I love their pop-punk sound, I honestly cannot get enough of them!1985 - Music Video
So now you guys know some of my favourite bands and YouTubers! I could definitely keep going on both lists but they would end up being way too long for anyone to read. If you guys haven't heard of or listened to/watched any of the bands or YouTubers I have listed I definitely recommend checking out the links that I put in the blog because I'm sure you'll enjoy it! If you have any YouTubers or bands that you like that aren't listed, leave them in the comments and I'll check them out! Also it would be awesome if you guys could share my blog on any social media that you use so that more people can find out about it! :-) 

Again, I'm so, so, so sorry about my lack of posts lately but like I said before, I'm going to try my hardest to continue posting weekly, so stay tuned!!! :-)  

Disclaimer: All of the pictures in this post are taken from google.