Monday 28 July 2014

DIY: Frozen Yogurt Treats

Hey guys! So since I didn't post last week (cringe) I decided that I would do two posts this week! One today and one on Wednesday. I wasn't sure what to do my first post of the week on and then while I was making some frozen yogurt treats I realized that would be a great idea for a post! So I'm going to be showing you how to make frozen yogurt dots and frozen yogurt bark. Let's get started! :-)

I used a 650g container of yogurt and that was enough to make both of these!

Frozen Yogurt Dots

  • Yogurt
  • Plastic Bag 
  • Cookie Sheet
Sorry I didn't take any pictures of the process of making these because I didn't even think of making it into a blog post until they were already made.. but luckily it's very easy to explain!

Step 1:
Take your plastic bag (your going to need to use a sandwich bag) and make a small diagonal cut on one of the corners. You are going to use this bag like a baker would to ice a cake. Then fill the bag with 2-3 spoonfuls of yogurt. I used strawberry banana yogurt and let me tell you; it is delicious.

Step 2:
Begin putting drops of yogurt onto the cookie sheet simply by squeezing the bag. Once the cookie sheet is full of yogurt dots put the cookie sheet into the freezer and leave it there for as long as you like. My yogurt dots were frozen after a half hour but you can leave them in there for as long as you like. :-) This is what they look like once they come out of the freezer.

Finished Product

Frozen Yogurt Bark

  • Yogurt
  • Almonds
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Parchment Paper
  • Cake Pan
Step 1:
Line your pan with parchment paper so that it will be easy for you to cut the bark and remove it once it is frozen without wrecking your pan.

Step 2:
 Pour some yogurt onto the bottom of the pan and spread it evenly across. Only put enough yogurt down to cover the parchment paper. Next add some diced strawberries and grapes to the yogurt as well as whole almonds. Add enough so that it is spread somewhat evenly across the yogurt like this:

Then add some more yogurt to the top to cover all of the fruit and almonds. Add more fruit and almonds and then one more layer of yogurt. It should now look like this:

Step 3:
Put this in the freezer for about an hour and a half if you want it to be frozen very well. You can also leave it in the freezer for longer if you prefer. Then cut it however big you would like and enjoy!!! :-)

I hope you guys enjoy this post and the yummy yogurt treats. These are really great for days that you have a sweet tooth but don't want to eat junk food since they are so sweet but they're also great for you! I really like to have these as a post-workout snack as well because it helps cool you down but you also get some protein! So stay tuned for a post coming to you Wednesday and if you could share this on any social media that you use that would be great, thanks! :-)

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