Saturday 30 August 2014

Back to School Series: Organization TIps

Hey guys! Sorry this is late, I haven't been home much lately because I've been really busy and I just realized that the scheduled post didn't work! So here's the last back to school series post!!!!

So organization is a key part of success in school... and today I'm going to give you some tips on how to stay organized! Let's get started!

1. Having a Clean Locker
Having a clean locker really helps to keep you organized. Having a portable shelf in the bottom of your locker helps because it gives you more space to keep things. Also having a magnetic whiteboard/bulletin board (half and half) helps because you can write down any homework and assignments that you have as well as pin up any notes that you need to remember onto the bulletin board.

2. Keeping Separate Binders for Each Class
This also really helps - although it's a bit of an inconvenience carrying around it does help when you're doing homework and studying for tests and exams. It also helps so that you don't lose notes or assignments.

3. Keep a Schedule
Keeping a schedule even if it's very flexible helps to keep you on track with handing in assignments on time and remembering due dates. This also helps a lot if you play sports or have other extracurricular activities that take up a lot of your time.

Well that's it guys! I hope you enjoyed the last post in the back to school series. Sorry that it was late but I hope that you enjoyed it and that it will help you! Don't forget to follow me on twitter @04_emilyy and share my blog on any social media that you use please :-)=

Wednesday 27 August 2014

5 Healthy Snacks

Hey guys! So today I decided that I would share 5 super easy snacks with you guys to go with the 21 days of no junk food challenge that I posted last week.

1. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a great snack. All you have to do is cut it in half and sprinkle some sugar on the top. You will just use your spoon to scoop the fruit out of the 'grapefruit bowl'. You can eat one half or the whole thing depending on how hungry you are.

2. Veggies and Dip
Veggies and dip are such an easy, healthy and tasty snack. Cut up any of your favourite veggies and add some dip if you would like. My favourite is cutting up cucumber and carrots into sticks and a small drop of ranch dressing.

3. Apple and Peanut Butter
If you put some peanut butter in a bowl and heat it up in the microwave for 35 seconds it is great to drizzle over apple slices. It looks good, tastes good and it's also a fairly filling snack.

4. Green Smoothie
There are tons of different types of green smoothies that you can make but this is one of my favourites. You add some green tea, 2 handfuls of spinach, 1 banana and a small spoonful of peanut butter to the blender. Mix this up and then your smoothie is done! I recommend tasting it and then seeing if you need to add anything else before you pour it into a glass.

5. Yogurt Parfait
This is another good snack - all that you do is take a glass and make layers of yogurt and granola and then tops it off with some fruit and/or berries and voila; a super healthy snack or even breakfast!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and this gave you some good ideas for healthy snacks! Don't forget to check back Friday for my last post in the back to school series! It would also be awesome if you could share my blog on any social media that you use. You can follow me on twitter as well if you would like! @04_emilyy

Friday 22 August 2014

Back to School Series: Morning Tips

Hey guys! Today I decided that I would do a post that would probably be very useful... tips on how to get out of bed once your alarm goes off.

How to wake up on time
To be able to easily wake up in the morning you need to start off with a good night sleep. You'll want to get as much sleep as you can; ideally around eight hours of sleep. To have a good sleep it's always good to relax for at least half an hour before you fall asleep. A good way to relax before you go to sleep is to lie in bed with a glass of milk or some decaffenated tea while reading a book.

To wake up early you're more than likely going to have an alarm set. A good idea if you use your phone/iPod as an alarm clock is to set the alarm as a song that you like and won't mind getting woken up by. I also always set a positive message for the alarm that makes me want to start my day.

If you're one of those people that hits the snooze butto repeatedly (me) then you'll want to follow these steps:

  • Leave your alarm clock out of reach so you have to get out of bed. 
  • Stretch once you stand up and force yourself to smile. It sounds dumb but it will make you feel a bit more prepared to face the day. 
  • Make your bed so that you won't be tempted to crawl back in. 
  • Wash your face with cold water and drink a glass of cold water. 
  • If you're having a really hard time getting out of bed try rubbing your cheeks and maybe even giving them a few light taps to get the blood flowing. 
Hopefully this will help you guys get up bright and early for school! Don't forget to come back Wednesday for more DIY posts. :-)

Wednesday 20 August 2014

21 Days of NO Junk Food Challenge

Hey guys! Unfortunately I don't have a DIY post for you this week, I have a shirt made that is ready to be put into a blog post buuut.. it's for a friends birthday present and I don't want her to see the blog post before I get a chance to give her the shirt. I was expecting to have given it to her before Wednesday but I didn't get a chance so I was left scrambling - then I thought, why not do a post on the 21 days of no junk food challenge?!

The rules of the 21 days of no junk food challenge are simple. You can't eat any of the foods listed in the above picture for 21 days. This is a great way to begin eating healthy. In the beginning of this challenge it is really hard not to eat any of these foods and it will take a lot of will power. But trust me, it gets easier! Near the end of the 21 days you will rarely crave junk food. So this is a great way to begin cutting junk food out of your diet or limiting your junk food intake.

Some people reading this may not have any interest in doing this challenge. Although some people may want to try it out to eat healthier, lose weight or maybe even just to challenge themselves. This is a great way to work on your fitness because you will (most likely) be getting more nutrients from your food than you regularly do - causing you to experience and increased amount of energy to fuel your workouts.

I have done this challenge once before and I am going to do it again starting today so if anyone wants to start it with me feel free to leave a comment letting me know! You can also follow me on twitter and talk to me there about your experiences with this challenge. :-) I answer all of my dm's and @ messages on there, so feel free to hit me up about anything!

I'm sorry that today's post wasn't too great, but hopefully it will inspire you to lead a healthier life and begin to challenge yourself and eat clean daily. :-) Don't forget to come back Friday for the third post in my 'Back to School Series'!!!

P.S. I made a new YouTube video with my friend and you can check it out here :-). See ya Friday!!!

Friday 15 August 2014

Back to School Series: First Week of School Outfits

Hey guys! So I decided that since some people are starting school during August and some are starting school during September, my second post in the back to school series would be on back to school clothes.

The perfect time to make a new style change is at the beginning of a new school year, everyone is dressing up and you want your outfits to make a bang! So why not make that style change you've been thinking about now!? Ok, so I put together five outfits for back to school that I'll be showing you. Let's get to it then, shall we?

This is the first outfit I put together. It's super simple and casual but it's also very cute and comfortable. You can tie the flannel shirt around your waist and wear it if it gets cold. If it is really cool outside, you could also change the shorts for some jeans. I think that this outfit would be super cute with either combat boots or converse shoes as well as some simple accessories. This is a great outfit to wear anytime in the first week of school because although it is very casual - it looks great. Which is exactly what you are going for!

This is the second outfit that I put together and I have to say.. it just might be my favourite! This outfit is very simple but the fun patterns and the rips in the jeans make it interesting. The cardigan is perfect for this time of year because you can easily put it on or take it off depending on the temperature and the outfit looks just as good with or without it. If it is very hot outside you can also substitute the skinny jeans for a pair of shorts. I found this backpack and couldn't believe how perfectly it went with this outfit - but a nice neutral backpack would go just as well. 

This is the third outfit I put together and I think it's the girliest out of all five, but it is still pretty casual.  I paired the lace tank top with some high waisted shorts so that you wouldn't be showing any skin since most schools don't allow that. I also paired it with some simple accessories and cute shoes to dress it up a little bit. I chose the leather backpack because it's neutral and I think that it looks really good with the lace and faded jeans.

These are the fourth and fifth outfits that I created. They were both very similar so I figured that I would keep them in the same picture. These are both crop tops with high waisted shorts. The galaxy shirt with high waisted shorts and keds is very casual and cute which I love. I think that the second outfit is a bit girlier which is great if that is your style.  I think that both of these would be great back to school outfits because you will be comfortable throughout the day since you will probably be walking around quite a bit getting your books, filling your locker, finding your classes, etc. 

That's all of the outfits I have for you guys but I hope you liked them, and I hope that they gave you some inspiration for your back to school outfits. If you're reading this, leave a comment saying when you go back to school and whether any of these outfits inspired your back to school clothes. :-)

Don't forget to come back on Wednesday for a regular post! :-) 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

DIY: Bohemian Headband

Hey guys! Today I decided that I would show you how to make a super cute and easy to make bohemian style headband. Let's get started!!!


  • Wool
  • Scissors
  • Safety Pin (optional, but helpful)
Step 1:
To begin you will first have to pick out your wool. You will need twelve pieces of wool in total. For my headband I used three pieces of red wool, three pieces of white wool, three pieces of black wool and three pieces of multicoloured wool. You will also want these pieces of wool to be fairly long because they will become smaller once you are done braiding them, and they will become smaller again after one of the final steps.

Step 2:
Now you will begin braiding your wool; this will leave you with four strands of braided wool. I braided mine by the colours (three red together, three white together, etc..) but you can mix and match so that you have more than one colour in each braid if you prefer. Also try to keep all four braids roughly the same length; still leaving them fairly long because they will shrink once more in one of the final steps.

To braid the wool you will first knot the three strands together, you can then put a safety pin through the knot if you are using one and pin it to your pant leg (carefully!) so that the wool stays in one place while you are braiding. If you aren't using a safety pin, you will need to find some way to anchor your wool such as a book on the end of the knot or holding the wool between your knees.

Finish the braid by putting a knot in the bottom. Cut off any unused wool, leaving 1-2 inches to be used in the final steps.

Step 3:
Now you should have four separate strands of braided wool. You will tie two of the strands together on each end using the bits of unbraided wool. 

Step 4:
Now that you have two strands of braided wool you will tie them together at one end.Once more using the bits of unbraided wool. For this part, only tie the strands of wool together at one end. It should now look like this:

Step 5:
For this part it helps if you imagine the wool as two separate locks of hair. Now you will be doing a 'rope braid' on the wool. To do this you will take each piece of wool in one hand and turn each piece clockwise. After you have turned the pieces clockwise you will then cross the two pieces just as you would cross the pieces in a regular braid. 

Once you have braided the whole length of the wool put a knot in the end. 

Step 6:
Wrap this around your head and tie a knot in the end so that the headband is comfortable and voila; you're done!!! Now all you have to do is find an outfit that goes with your cute new headband. :-)

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Feel free to leave a comment about it or with a suggestion for a future blog post. It would also be awesome if you guys could share my blog on any social media that you use as it really helps spread the word. Thanks :-)

P.S. Don't forget to come back Friday for the second post in my back to school series!!!

Follow me on twitter  for updates on my blog :-)

Back To School Series

Hey guys! Throughout the month of August I am going to be putting a post up on back to school things such as outfits, organization, etc. I will be posting these every Friday and I'll still be posting regularly every Wednesday. :-) The first post of this series is the back to school advice for freshman post that I put up last Wednesday. So keep an eye out for the back to school posts on Fridays as well as regular DIY posts on Wednesdays! :-)

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Back to School Advice for Freshman

Hey guys! So my vegetarian lunch ideas post was supposed to be for this week, but I somehow accidentally posted it last week and didn't realize until just now.. gah... I was hoping to post my high school advice sometime closer to the end of August but I don't have anything else to post this week because of my screw up. Luckily some people do start school in August so it's not at a terrible time.  

First of all I just want to say some things. I'm not going to try and sugar coat it, but starting high school is terrifying. There are so many changes and new things going on it's so easy to become overwhelmed. But I promise that high school will be great, and if you follow this advice then hopefully you'll have an easier time transitioning from elementary/middle school to high school! :-)

1. Make friends before your first day of school
This may seem hard but if your school has opportunities for you to visit and get a tour (which it probably does) you should definitely take that opportunity! Not only will you get an idea of the layout of the school, but you will most likely run into some of your future classmates and seeing people that you know in your classes or in the hallways will make the beginning of you high school career much easier and not quite as stressful.

2. Ask older students for advice
If you have friends or siblings in higher grades than you, don't be afraid to ask them for advice. They will be able to help you find your classes if you're having a hard time. They'll also be able to give you advice on what clubs or extracurricular activities would be good for you.

3. Take your schoolwork seriously
Ok, I honestly cannot stress this one enough. Although freshman grades usually don't mean much on college/university applications they do help you to get a routine made up for studying and doing homework. Now I'm not saying that you have to spend eight hours a day doing school work, but just get your homework done on time (no, not by pulling an all-nighter. Put some real effort into it!) and study for tests, it will pay off in the long run and you'll feel great about keeping on top of your workload.

4. Join Clubs
This may not seem like a lot of fun to you right now but joining sports teams or other school clubs is an awesome way to make new friends. It's also a great thing to put on resumes and college applications. And by joining a club, you're also helping to make your school a better place where students are able to be involved in many types of activities!

5. Find a Balance
When you first start high school it's likely that you'll be getting more homework than you used to get in elementary or middle school so you need to learn how to balance everything going on in your life. Creating a schedule that you can follow weekly will really help you to be able to have time to do everything you want to do such as homework, sports/other extracurricular activities, hanging out with friends and maybe even working if you have a job. Although it may seem hard at first, finding a balance will really help to make your school life easier and less stressful.

6. Appearance
In high school it is likely that you will feel a lot of pressure to dress and act a certain way and my advice on how to handle that is to ignore it. Honestly, if you feel pressured to do your hair a way you don't like it, or wear clothes you don't feel comfortable in, etc ignore that pressure and just don't do it. Although you do want to keep up your personal hygiene: put on deodorant, wash your hair, brush your teeth; you don't want to be the smelly kid. But don't let the pressure of looking a certain way change who you are. As long as you dress how you want and maintain good personal hygiene, you really can't let peer pressure get to you. Just do you! There is absolutely nothing wrong with showing up to school in a dress if everyone else is wearing sweats, or showing up in sweats if everyone else is wearing dresses. As long as you're comfortable and happy, that's all that matters!

As scary as high school may seem, it's really not that bad. As long as you try your hardest in your classes and step out of your comfort zone to meet new friends and try new things, you should have a great high school experience! :-)

As always, it would be great if you could share my blog on any social media that you use. :-) If you follow my twitter ( I'm sorry about the mix up saying that there is a new post when there wasn't... but there is now! :-)