Wednesday 6 August 2014

Back to School Advice for Freshman

Hey guys! So my vegetarian lunch ideas post was supposed to be for this week, but I somehow accidentally posted it last week and didn't realize until just now.. gah... I was hoping to post my high school advice sometime closer to the end of August but I don't have anything else to post this week because of my screw up. Luckily some people do start school in August so it's not at a terrible time.  

First of all I just want to say some things. I'm not going to try and sugar coat it, but starting high school is terrifying. There are so many changes and new things going on it's so easy to become overwhelmed. But I promise that high school will be great, and if you follow this advice then hopefully you'll have an easier time transitioning from elementary/middle school to high school! :-)

1. Make friends before your first day of school
This may seem hard but if your school has opportunities for you to visit and get a tour (which it probably does) you should definitely take that opportunity! Not only will you get an idea of the layout of the school, but you will most likely run into some of your future classmates and seeing people that you know in your classes or in the hallways will make the beginning of you high school career much easier and not quite as stressful.

2. Ask older students for advice
If you have friends or siblings in higher grades than you, don't be afraid to ask them for advice. They will be able to help you find your classes if you're having a hard time. They'll also be able to give you advice on what clubs or extracurricular activities would be good for you.

3. Take your schoolwork seriously
Ok, I honestly cannot stress this one enough. Although freshman grades usually don't mean much on college/university applications they do help you to get a routine made up for studying and doing homework. Now I'm not saying that you have to spend eight hours a day doing school work, but just get your homework done on time (no, not by pulling an all-nighter. Put some real effort into it!) and study for tests, it will pay off in the long run and you'll feel great about keeping on top of your workload.

4. Join Clubs
This may not seem like a lot of fun to you right now but joining sports teams or other school clubs is an awesome way to make new friends. It's also a great thing to put on resumes and college applications. And by joining a club, you're also helping to make your school a better place where students are able to be involved in many types of activities!

5. Find a Balance
When you first start high school it's likely that you'll be getting more homework than you used to get in elementary or middle school so you need to learn how to balance everything going on in your life. Creating a schedule that you can follow weekly will really help you to be able to have time to do everything you want to do such as homework, sports/other extracurricular activities, hanging out with friends and maybe even working if you have a job. Although it may seem hard at first, finding a balance will really help to make your school life easier and less stressful.

6. Appearance
In high school it is likely that you will feel a lot of pressure to dress and act a certain way and my advice on how to handle that is to ignore it. Honestly, if you feel pressured to do your hair a way you don't like it, or wear clothes you don't feel comfortable in, etc ignore that pressure and just don't do it. Although you do want to keep up your personal hygiene: put on deodorant, wash your hair, brush your teeth; you don't want to be the smelly kid. But don't let the pressure of looking a certain way change who you are. As long as you dress how you want and maintain good personal hygiene, you really can't let peer pressure get to you. Just do you! There is absolutely nothing wrong with showing up to school in a dress if everyone else is wearing sweats, or showing up in sweats if everyone else is wearing dresses. As long as you're comfortable and happy, that's all that matters!

As scary as high school may seem, it's really not that bad. As long as you try your hardest in your classes and step out of your comfort zone to meet new friends and try new things, you should have a great high school experience! :-)

As always, it would be great if you could share my blog on any social media that you use. :-) If you follow my twitter ( I'm sorry about the mix up saying that there is a new post when there wasn't... but there is now! :-)

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